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June 20, 2016 - Leipzig

Hello everyone!

So I haven't written in like a sorry about that...But it's been a very great month!  So transfers happened and I am still in Leipzig!  And Sister Gines came here and is my new(ish?) comp :)  So pretty much this whole transfer has been wild because I'm not sure what I'm doing still but it's working out!  On the 4th was Rene's baptism!  It was pretty wild and I learned never to plan a baptism over a transfer ever again.  So that morning we were making cakes and getting ready to head down to the church to prepare for the baptism, when we needed to run to bahnhof [train station] real quick to pick something up.  So we got back from bahnhof and realized that we locked our key in the apartment.  So we called the elders, tried to pick the lock for about a half hour, that didn't work.  But we didn't have a ton of time so we went back to the church to prepare.  So while we were at the church, we found out who had our extra key and luckily he just lived right across the street from the church.  So we booked it to his place and picked up the key, ran home and got the cakes and the violin so I could actually play the musical number, and booked it back to the church.  Luckily we made it back in time and everything eventually worked out. :)

So one time we had a power visit with a family in our ward and it was all fine and dandy until we left to go home.  So we got on the bahn [train] and everything was going all good until it announced that we were at the end bahn stop.  So we were super confused and got off at this super dead abandoned area of town and there was only one guy there.  So we were super confused and since it was a Sunday, the bahns didn't come nearly as often.  So we waited there and then it started pouring and we were stuck without an umbrella or a jacket or anything so that was lovely.  And since it was on the outskirts of town it took forever to get home.  

We also had an appointment with Schwester Perez that week as well.  We had been trying to get a hold of her for a while and she finally called the RIZ [Institute] because she had the old phone number and wanted to meet with us again.  So we went over and read a talk with her.  She invited her friend and she loved the talk.  We read "Tomorrow the Lord Will Place You on His Shoulders and Carry You Home" by President Uchtdorf.  I had never met Schwester Perez before, so I wasn't sure what to do for that lesson.  So I just decided to read the talk.  Her friend loved it though.  She isn't a member and when we read it, she had so much to say about it and she wants to learn more.  We are bringing her a Spanish Book of Mormon today and when she moves back from Berlin we will hopefully meet with her more.  She has so much potential and such a strong desire to know the truth and I am so excited for her :)

Oh my goodness then yesterday we had an appointment with Pablo.  We met him on transfer day at Bahnhof when he was asking for help.  He assumed we spoke English so he approached us and asked us for help.  Then he asked why we're here and everything and said he wanted to learn more so we had an appointment with him last night.  So we were just going to get to know him and teach the first lesson but he ended up telling this crazy long story about some girl he went out with and then had to leave.  So as we are leaving we stand up and he was amazed at how tall Sister Gines is.  So he was trying to convert her height into centimeters on his phone and some guy walks up to us and starts talking a ton in English but I still had no idea what he was talking about.  Then he shoved a Quran in our faces and opened it and it had one of our pass along cards taped inside?  I don't even know man.  We thought he wanted a Book of Mormon or something but I guess he just wanted to bible bash i think?  I don't even know.  But yeah!  It's been pretty great here!  Well I love you all!

Sister Hammer

Abandoned in Scheuditz...

Soaked and finally on our way home...

So we had an eating appointment at a members house and she had this super legit huge bible from 1755

The text in the bible:)

Birthday ice cream adventures on the way home from gemiko!


Katzenzungen - "Cats' Tongues" - Cat Chocolate

Love her :)


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