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Showing posts from June, 2016

June 27, 2016 - Leipzig

Last night we had dinner with our ward mission leader from Leipzig 2nd ward.   Bruder Richter and another family was there too. It was a lot of fun. And he's a super good cook so that's good. Usually on Sunday's we have an hour to do family history but we didn't have any time at all but that's okay.  We got a brick of Raclette for like 3€ so that was fun. Raclette on Potatoes [Transfers are coming up] I'm not sure if I'll stay I'm guessing I'm leaving though :/ I dunno though. This week was kinda crazy. We went on Tausch [exchange] in Berlin and everything was just really busy but it was good.  

June 20, 2016 - Leipzig

Hello everyone! So I haven't written in like a sorry about that...But it's been a very great month!  So transfers happened and I am still in Leipzig!  And Sister Gines came here and is my new(ish?) comp :)  So pretty much this whole transfer has been wild because I'm not sure what I'm doing still but it's working out!  On the 4th was Rene's baptism!  It was pretty wild and I learned never to plan a baptism over a transfer ever again.  So that morning we were making cakes and getting ready to head down to the church to prepare for the baptism, when we needed to run to bahnhof [train station] real quick to pick something up.  So we got back from bahnhof and realized that we locked our key in the apartment.  So we called the elders, tried to pick the lock for about a half hour, that didn't work.  But we didn't have a ton of time so we went back to the church to prepare.  So while we were at the church, we found out who had our extra key an

June 13, 2016 - Leipzig

Today we are going to Bachfest so that's exciting. I'm not sure what exactly is going on but it's all good because Bach. So yeah I can't wait to show you all of this stuff! Well the week was pretty good. It was wild. German is coming. Super slow but it is coming. Most of the time I just smile and say 'ja' and pretend. I've learned a ton. It is super good.  Yesterday we had a visit with a family and on the way home we got on the bahn to go home but we got on the wrong Richtung [direction] so we went to the very end haltestelle in Schkeuditz [10 miles northwest of town] and it was like this crazy ghost town. It was weird. Ya know that episode of spongebob where he goes to glove world and misses the bus and is abandoned and it was all spooky haha that's how it was. It was so funny. Plus it was rainy so we were soaked. It was great.  We're working on getting Rene home teachers and stuff