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March 7, 2016 -First week in Leipzig

Hallo from Deutschland!!

Montag was our last day at the MTC.  It was insane.  It was super exciting and way sad and everything all at once.  we had our branch FHE and then packed until about 12:30 in the morning so we only got about three hours of sleep so that was crazy.

Dienstag morning we left at about 3 am and flew all day.

Mittwoch we got to Dresden and met President and Sister Fingerle.  They are so very wonderful.  They met us at the airport and from there took us to a little town outside of Dresden called Radeböl which President Monson had dedicated during the cold war.  While we were there we sang Joseph Smith's First Prayer and got to ponder and pray for a while.  It was really neat.  We then stayed at the temple hotel place in Freiburg for the next couple of days.  That night we just had meetings and interviews and it was pretty neat.

Donnerstag we met our companions and got our area assignments.  I'm serving in Leipzig with Sister Wilson.  She is darling.  She is from New Mexico and will be training me.  After we were done with all of the meetings we all left to our areas.  We went to the train station to head to Leipzig but us and one other companionship barely missed the train so we ended up waiting for about a half hour which wasn't too bad.  but when we got on the train the lady told us our group had the wrong pass so we had to get off at the next stop and get on another train.  which was hard because we were going to have dinner at a member's house but we had to cancel.  

Freitag was my first actual day in the field and it was pretty crazy.  we had two lessons and then knocked doors in between.  we first taught sister Karl.  we taught her about the commandment to  pray often.  she is wonderful and we had a great discussion about with prayer with her.  we also taught Nadine.  we are reading the Book of Mormon with her.  that lesson we taught about the word of wisdom and the blessings that come with keeping that commandment as well.

Samstag we had district meeting which was pretty good.  After that we went and got Döners which are apparently pretty cool here.  They are these big bread pocket things with lettuce, lamb, Sauerkraut, rot kohl, onions, tomato, some sort of garlic sauce and some other weird spicy sauce.  No clue but it was pretty good.  The elders insisted we get one because I guess it's some big thing.  I dunno.  They all took pictures as well.  It was the strangest experience.  Later that evening we taught John and Diana.  They are investigators and have the cutest family.  We read 3 nephi 11 and the spirit was so strong there.  We shared our experiences with the Book of Mormon and they were learning a ton.

Sonntag we had church.  We go to both of the wards here in Leipzig.  It is pretty cool.  Except six hours of church in German is pretty exhausting.  I felt bad for asking people to repeat themselves a million  times but it I am learning a ton.

Today is P Day so we met the Halle Sisters here and went and got lunch and visited Bach's grave.  It was pretty neat.  It's in the St. Thomas church and they had a little display and a guy playing the organ.  It was beautiful there.  And tonight we have family home evening.  Well I love you all!  tschüs


  1. Love the Doners! Next time try it burrito style. Tiana made sure we tried them too when we were there! Glad you made it over safely and enjoying it. Aunt Debbie


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