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March 14, 2016 - Leipzig

This week was pretty good.  It's still super hard because I can't understand a lot of what people are saying but I'm picking up more and more each day.  Pretty much all I know how to do is order food and bear my testimony but it's enough for right now.

I love it here.  It's so pretty and we are right downtown at Haupbahnhof so it's right at the bahns and at the grocery store and mall which is good so we don't have a long way to carry our groceries.

We walk and ride the Bahns everywhere but it's not too bad.  Apparently it was super snowy here the week before we got here but now it's pretty nice.  Except for it's just kinda chilly.  

We've had a bunch of lessons only with a few people though.  We teach Schwester Karl a lot.  She's a pretty recent convert and we talk a lot about The Book of Mormon.  She loves it.  That's super cool.  She comes to church every week and she's the coolest.  She is also planning a trip to Salt Lake so she can take her grandma to the temple and get baptized for her so that's so cool.  We also teach Rene a lot.  He goes to church and FHE every week and he loves the Sacrament so that's so good.  He was doing awesome so we wanted to see where exactly he is at in preparation for baptism and so we went over the questions with him earlier this week.  He is so close to being ready for baptism.  And he loves Joseph Smith.  So we are going to talk about how prophets work as well.  But he is so close and it's so cool.  We are also teaching Nadine.  We are reading the Book of Mormon with her and that is good.  She has a lot of good comments about it too.  We are in second Nephi right now in the Isaiah chapters so that's kinda tricky but she is way good.  We also had an eating appointment yesterday at Bruder Pahps's house.  They made Rüladen and Klöße and it was so yummy.   

Yep this week has been pretty neat and I've learned a lot!   

Here are some pictures from a P-day last week.

Bach's Grave
St. Thomas Church where Bach Conducted, Mozart performed and Martin Luther preached

Monument to the Battle of the Nations - Momument to the 1813 Battle of Leipzig

Sister Wilson and Sister Hammer

View over Leipzig


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