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Showing posts from March, 2016

March 21, 2016 - Leipzig

Hallo!  Well I've been in Germany for about three weeks so that's pretty crazy!  I'm still not real good at German yet but I've learned a ton each day.  Germany is amazing as well.  There's so much to do and see here in Leipzig and I love love love it here!  We have been super crazy busy with teaching lots of lessons.  I got right into teaching once I got to Germany so that's so cool!  We have been teaching a bunch of investigators and less actives and it has been the neatest thing.  We are reading the Book of Mormon with a lot of the people we are teaching which is one of the best things you could do aside from the lessons because the scriptures and the Spirit are the best teachers.  We are also teaching an English and a German class at the institute center each week.  Which doesn't make any sense because I've grown up speaking English so I have no idea how to teach it.  And I have no idea how to speak German so of course how the heck do you teach

March 14, 2016 - Leipzig

This week was pretty good.  It's still super hard because I can't understand a lot of what people are saying but I'm picking up more and more each day.  Pretty much all I know how to do is order food and bear my testimony but it's enough for right now. I love it here.  It's so pretty and we are right downtown at Haupbahnhof so it's right at the bahns and at the grocery store and mall which is good so we don't have a long way to carry our groceries. We walk and ride the Bahns everywhere but it's not too bad.  Apparently it was super snowy here the week before we got here but now it's pretty nice.  Except for it's just kinda chilly.   We've had a bunch of lessons only with a few people though.  We teach Schwester Karl a lot.  She's a pretty recent convert and we talk a lot about The Book of Mormon.  She loves it.  That's super cool.  She comes to church every week and she's the coolest.  She is also planning