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February 6, 2016 - MTC

Guten Tag!!  Wie geht's es ihnen???  Ich bin sehr gut!!  This week has been sehr sehr gut! 

Sonntag was so good!  We walked to the temple after breakfast.  It was so cold but it was so good to leave and visit the temple!
I love the temple so much and it is such a blessing to go every week.  In Relief Society Sister North from the Armenian district taught a wonderful lesson about the Atonement.  Then we had Sacrament meeting, and it was lovely.  Sonntag abend we had a fireside with Brother and Sister Richardson about the Book of Mormon and being a good missionary.  After the fireside, we watched the movie Legacy.  It was about the pioneers.  It was so good.  Last Sonntag in the video we watched of Elder Bednar's talk, he challenged us to read the Book of Mormon with a question in mind.  So this week I bought a new Book of Mormon, wrote my question in the front and began reading it.  I know that this book brings peace and joy and will answer your questions no matter what.  I challenge you all to study with a question in mind.  If you have read it before, begin it again with a question specific to what is going on in your life and in your heart right now.  If you  have not, I challenge you to read it and follow Moroni's admonition to study it and pray about it.  

Montag wasn't very busy, we just had class.  We began teaching our new Untersucher, Stephan.  I decided to use less of my notes and teach more by my memory and the spirit.  It was terrifying, and I had lots of awkward pauses and said um a lot but I made it through!  It was so cool.  

Dienstag was mostly class and study time.  But we had choir practice as well.  Seriously, the choir is so fun.  We sing the funnest songs, and have spiritual thoughts thought rehearsal.  Future Missionaries, you must sing in the choir.  Everyone does and it is the coolest thing ever.  We then had a devotional, which we sang at which was so neat.  We heard from Elder W. Craig Zwig from the Seventy, and his wife, Jan.  They spoke about having the Holy Ghost and Prayer.  I learned so much and it was so good.

Mittwoch we began teaching another Untershucher named Austin.  I was really confident with our lesson and it wasn't too bad.  Nothing much happened except for teaching, class and vier ecke, which is always fun :)

Donnerstag we taught Stephan about the Plan of Salvation.  It went a lot better so that's good :)  I am geting a lot better at teaching, even though my Deutsch ist nicht so gut.  We also taught each other in class today.  Elder Hughes and I taught each other.  I taught about the Atonement, and he taught about prayer.  In his challenge at the end of the lesson, he challenged me to pray for fifteen minutes straight each night this week, and I extend the same challenge to you.  No matter what you believe, I know that anyone can pray and anyone can feel of God's love.  He wants to hear from his children.  He loves you.  Prayer seriously changes lives.  

Freitag was pretty good.  We began a program called TRC, which is Teaching Recent Converts.  It was terrifying at first, but it was so cool.  We just taught people a lesson.  Just like a family home evening or visiting teaching lesson.  My German was there so much better, as well.  I still missed some words, but it was enough to get the message across and the spirit made up for the rest :)

Well I love you all!
Pictures in the next email:)


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