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February 27, 2016 - MTC

Well this was my last full week here until GERMANY!!!  It is so crazy how fast time has gone and how much I have learned!  

Samstag we went to the temple of course :)  It was so good!  We also taught Stephan Samstag Abend.  It was very scattered and we are still learning a lot but it went so well.  We brought Elder Hughes as a member to help fellowship and it helped a lot.  He had a lot of good inspirations and he added a lot to the lesson.

Sonntag was lovely.  Sonntag ist mein lieblings.  We had our temple walk then Sister Voigtlander taught a beautiful lesson in Relief Society about receiving personal revelation.  We also had a devotional from Sister Susan Easton Black Durrant.  She talked about the history of the Church and the Prophets.  It was really interesting.  She talked about the first missionaries, which was way cool.  It was kind of a crazy devotional too.  She was just really funny.  That afternoon we rented out instruments and played and it was wonderful.  Sister Balls played the cello and I played the violin and Sister McCrary played the piano.  It was seriously the best to play, I miss it like crazy!!  

Montag all we did was go to class.  Haha but it was really good.  We taught Austin and Nikolas.  Austin's lesson went so well!  I was kind of terrified because the last couple were a bit rough but it went wonderfully.  Nikolas's was so good as well.  But other than Untersuchers we pretty much had class all day so that's okay!

Dienstag was pretty neat.  Montag Sister Simpson busted up her foot pretty bad while running so we had to go to the doctor Dienstag afternoon.  It was crazy because they sent her to an actual doctor and not the MTC doctor.  So it was so weird to leave the MTC because we had been here for like five and a half weeks, so it was kind of crazy to go to the outside world.  Like we walk to the temple across the street all the time but that doesn't really count haha.  It was just really interesting because so many people talked to us.  It's not like we had any super cool missionary moments because the only people we talked to were a couple of sisters we met at the doctor's office, but they were so sweet and it was just kind of fun to get out there.  Oh my goodness so when we got back, we had missed lunch, so we got sack lunches and ate outside.  But right after, I was brushing my teeth on the way back to class so I could rinse in the bathroom.  But Sister Simpson had honey all over her hands and orange from her sandwich and I couldn't get the door open so I was laughing hysterically.  But I was still brushing my teeth and I kinda accidentally just made a mess of toothpaste outside.  It was kinda a disaster.  But it was so funny oh my goodness.  Right after, we had gym, and of course four square. I almost won the spoon but it was kind of tragic.  So the last five minutes are always insane and I was in the third square doing so good until literally the last minute then I got out right after I had almost won the spoon.  It was pretty sad but it was so intense it was crazy fun.  Then we had choir and the devotional.  The piece we performed in the devotional was A Child's Prayer with the MTC Presidency's grandchildren.  Then Sister Rosemary M. Wixom the General Primary Presidency spoke with her husband.  Brother Wixom taught about sharing our testimony through our example which I loved.  Sister Wixom taught about teaching children.  All of the songs we sang came from the Primary songbook.  So that was really neat.  She shared how we should learn from those songs and teach from them as well.

Mittwoch we taught Bennett and Stephan.  They both learned a lot and both went really well.  We also had TRC and got to teach Sister Adams again.  I was so excited, she's so much fun.  We shared a message about scripture study and she shared with us her experiences with scripture study so that was so neat to learn from her as we taught her.

Donnerstag was pretty crazy.  We had in-field orientation which is pretty much when we are in workshops all day.  They taught us lots of things to know for once we get into the field.  We were seriously so dead after that.  So Sister Simpson and I ditched dinner and took an nap and ate ice cream so that was glorious.  Then we had study for the rest of the night which was great.

Freitag was our last class with Brüder Nielson which was pretty sad.  We were going to teach him but he ended up getting off topic and we had this crazy discussion about lots of different things.  So we didn't teach him that night.  But I had learned a lot though.  We also taught Nikolas.  It went really well.  I wish we had a little bit more time though because he was so ready for us to commit him to baptism next time.  

Well I have learned so much and I love it here but I am so ready to get to Germany NEXT WEEK!!!  I love you all!!

Sister Hammer


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