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Showing posts from February, 2016

February 27, 2016 - MTC

Well this was my last full week here until GERMANY!!!  It is so crazy how fast time has gone and how much I have learned!   Samstag we went to the temple of course :)  It was so good!  We also taught Stephan Samstag Abend.  It was very scattered and we are still learning a lot but it went so well.  We brought Elder Hughes as a member to help fellowship and it helped a lot.  He had a lot of good inspirations and he added a lot to the lesson. Sonntag was lovely.  Sonntag ist mein lieblings.  We had our temple walk then Sister Voigtlander taught a beautiful lesson in Relief Society about receiving personal revelation.  We also had a devotional from Sister Susan Easton Black Durrant.  She talked about the history of the Church and the Prophets.  It was really interesting.  She talked about the first missionaries, which was way cool.  It was kind of a crazy devotional too.  She was just really funny.  That afternoon we rented out instruments and played and it was wonderful.  Sister

February 20, 2016 - MTC

 Hallo!!! So this week was wonderful!  We had lots of really neat experiences and we're almost done with the MTC!!! Sontag was wonderful as always!  We had our temple walk which is my very favorite and I also taught the Relief Society about Faith in Jesus Christ.  We also had a devotional and choir practice.  In our devotional we heard from Richard L. Heaton.  He spoke about baptizing converts.  He had an Elder and a Sister who were both converts tell their stories.  It was so neat.  I thought about how neat it will be when years from now our investigators will be telling their stories about how we brought them the Gospel.  After that we watched films.  We watched the one about Joseph Smith. Montag we had class most of the day.  But we taught Stephan and it went so well!!  He was really into it and I knew what I was to say.  Although he asked about how we could repent every day and how repentance works exactly.  We gave a really short answer and then planned our whole

February 13, 2016 - MTC

Schwester Hammer & Schwester Simpson outside the Provo Temple Guten Tag!!  Sonntag was fast and testimony meeting and that was wonderful!  Sundays are also the best because we get to walk to the temple!  We also had the Sunday night Devotional and the speaker was Jenny Oaks Baker.  I kind of died, not going to lie.  She is my favorite.  Her husband spoke first about missionary work and I learned a lot from his remarks.  Then she spoke and performed her violin with her kids.  She spoke on lots of different things, mainly about how the Lord has blessed her music career, and shared her experiences with that.  She also played a lot of pieces and it was absolutely wonderful. Monntag was good, we didn't do a lot, really.  We just had class most of the day.  We taught our Untersucher, Austin.  Teaching is getting easier each time so that is really good :) Dienstag we taught Austin again.  We taught him about prayer and the Book of Mormon.  After we taught, we

February 6, 2016 - MTC

Guten Tag!!  Wie geht's es ihnen???  Ich bin sehr gut!!  This week has been sehr sehr gut!  Sonntag was so good!  We walked to the temple after breakfast.  It was so cold but it was so good to leave and visit the temple! I love the temple so much and it is such a blessing to go every week.  In Relief Society Sister North from the Armenian district taught a wonderful lesson about the Atonement.  Then we had Sacrament meeting, and it was lovely.  Sonntag abend we had a fireside with Brother and Sister Richardson about the Book of Mormon and being a good missionary.  After the fireside, we watched the movie Legacy.  It was about the pioneers.  It was so good.  Last Sonntag in the video we watched of Elder Bednar's talk, he challenged us to read the Book of Mormon with a question in mind.  So this week I bought a new Book of Mormon, wrote my question in the front and began reading it.  I know that this book brings peace and joy and will answer your questions no matter what.