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December 5, 2016 -Gera- 🕯🎄🕯🎄🕯

Hallo liebe Freunde! [Hello Dear Friends]

These last couple weeks have been really great, so it's gonna be a long one today, sorry! It's been pretty crazy.  

Monday was pretty chill, we made Christmas houses!  They didn't turn out super but it was fun anyway!  We've been trying to call people and get in contact with a ton of previous investigators and old contacts, so we have still been doing a lot of area book work.  We did get in contact with a man and had an appointment set up, but he didn't show.  

Wednesday night we went to Halle for Tausch [exchange].  It was a lot of fun and we did a lot of finding but it was pretty good.  We had an appointment with a less active sister and that was really good.  We read the Book of Mormon with her and talked about it.  She had a bunch of old Books of Mormon and she gave us one and it was super neat. 

Friday was ZoKo [Zone Conference] and it was so good! We learned a lot about teaching for conversion and I learned a ton.  We had a Sisters Stunde [hour] and talked about the talk Am I Good Enough?  Will I make it?  By Elder J. Devn Cornish of the Seventy.  He talked about giving our best, and quoted President Hinkely.  He said, "I love the way President Gordon B. Hinkley used to teach this principle.  I heard him say on several occasions, 'Brothers and sisters, all the Lord expects of us is to try, but you have to really try!' 'Really trying' means doing the best we can, recognizing where we need to improve, and then trying again.  By repeatedly doing this, we come closer and closer to the Lord, we feel His Spirit more and more, and we receive more of His grace, or help." he then quoted Elder Bednar, "'Most of us clearly understand that the Atonement is for sinners.  I am not so sure, however, that we know and understand that the Atonement is also for saints...The Atonement provides help for us to overcome and avoid bad and to do and become good...It is...through the grace of the Lord that individuals receive strength and assistance to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to do...this grace is an enabling power...or heavenly help each of us desperately needs to qualify for the celestial kingdom.'" It was so good because the Lord knows we aren't perfect but that is okay!!  If we rely on him he will help us!!  We also talked about the Christmas initiative, Der Welt ein Licht or Light the World.  It is super cool because this year it is a huge focus on lighting the world through service and through trying to be like Christ.  

We have been talking to a lot of people on the street and they have been super interested in it, and they have loved the video.  We have been trying to invite everyone to visit the website and look for ideas on serving people this Christmas season.  So the lady living next door came over and klingled [rang our door bell] one night.  I thought she was going to get mad because the music was loud or something. (It wasn't and I was super confused..) So we open and she was asking where we got the Christmas poster we had on our door, and if we had another one for her door.  We had one hanging in our window, so we gave it to her along with some pass along cards and she just loved it.  
#derWelteinLicht #Lighttheworld poster we gave to our neighbor

We invited her to the ward Christmas party and she seemed so happy.  I invite all of you this Christmas season to be a light and to find ways to serve others no matter what you believe!  Go check out on all the ideas and the videos and share them with your friends! :) We shared the video and the calendar for Christmas with our Bishop and him and his family were super excited about it.

This Monday we went to the Weihnachtsmarkt [Christmas Market] and that was a lot of fun. Probably gonna spend just about every Monday there to be honest. Then we visited Schwester Kretschmar Monday evening. She is absolutely lovely. She's a member in our ward and she is darling. We had a wonderful time. 

Tuesday we had an appointment with a previous investigator, Frau Kütz. She is so sweet. She  said she didn't have much interest in changing right now but she was so welcoming and loved our message. We'll definitely visit once in a while to continue to uplift her and invite her. You never know if she'll come around so don't give up! Right after that we went to Schwester Kretschmar's for Family Home Evening with her, Schwester Dörlitz, Schwester Sorge, and Lucy. Lucy gave an awesome Thema [lesson] about the Book of Mormon and we all shared our testimonies about it and it was just so lovely. 

Friday was super busy. Aside weekly planning we had lunch with Schwester Dörlitz as always, we visited Schwester Heiland and shared the Christmas initiative and we helped Frau Dhillon's daughter with a school report on our church. It was pretty cool because she had a lot of really good questions and we got to clear a lot up that she had found online and help her out. 

Saturday we went to Glauchau and visited a couple more members, Familie Korb and Familie Martin. They were all so sweet. We are working hard to visit all of the members in our ward and get to know them all. It has been tough but we are getting there and the ward here is absolutely wonderful. Whitewashing is slow and frustrating when you don't have many investigators, but it has been such a good time getting to know the ward and they have been so loving and supportive. 

Well I know as we serve others this year and throughout the year we can be a light and bless the lives of others. I'm so grateful to be serving here in Gera and Werdau. I've learned a ton and have been having a wonderful time! Thank you all for your love and support! Go serve someone this week and get that Christmas spirit! I love you all!

Lg, Sister Hammer

Sister Carta and I finding

Sister Carta's First Door

More Street photos

Christmas Decorations and Sunset

Our Attempt at Christmas Houses


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