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December 26, 2016 - Gera-Frohe Weihnachten

Hello Friends! 

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas! This week was wonderful! On Monday not much terribly exciting happened but we bought a Christmas tree, went to the Weihnachtsmarkt and visited Schwester Kretschmar! It was actually a really great day. 

Tuesday we went to Erfurt for Zone Training and it was really really good. We talked about our purpose as missionaries and learned a lot. Wednesday was pretty interesting. We had an appointment with a potential, Herr Schultz. He was really sweet and seemed pretty interested, but he brought a friend to the appointment and he just talked the whole time and we didn't really teach much of a was pretty annoying but we told Herr Schultz we could meet again and for him and that would be really good. 

So we went finding later that evening, and I stopped a couple kids and asked them if we could share a Christmas message. The girl didn't sound very excited, she made sure that we knew that she was atheist but then told us, if it is important to us then yeah sure. We just showed them the video and gave them a card, then left. About 20 minutes later, we  were waiting for our Bahn and the boy, Florian found us. We talked for a while, he told us he knew the church but didn't go anymore, but we exchanged numbers anyway and he left. He called us later that evening and we talked a bit more, and ended up making an appointment to meet on Friday. We talked for a while, he said he was in the church with his grandparents when it was still here in Gera, but left a year of two ago. He had a lot of questions, and we aren't sure if he wants to investigate more or if he was sure that it was our church he visited, but we gave him a chapter in the Book of Mormon to read and made a return appointment and we will see what happens! 

Saturday was absolutely wonderful! We had the Weihnachtsandacht at the church and then went to Schwester Dörlitz's place for Christmas Eve. We read the Christmas story, had dinner and sang Christmas carols. It was one of the loveliest Christmases ever.

Yesterday was Christmas! We had dinner with the Kosaks, played games, and skyped! It was wonderful! Well I am so thankful to serve in such a loving amazing ward and am so blessed to be on a mission. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.

Merry Christmas

Heilig Abend💕 [Christmas Eve]

Weihnachtsandacht [Christmas Night]

 Ich habe euch alle lieb! [I love you all]

Sister Hammer




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