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Showing posts from April, 2017

April 17, 2017-Bad Bentheim

Gabby's dad here, Gabby asked that I put together a post for her from the past couple weeks.  She has been very busy.  Below are some paragraphs from emails she has sent us over the past couple weeks and then pictures she sent us today. Sister Skalka is awesome. We are having a great time. The work is going well. We actually have investigators it is great. We have this one Pieter, the one that we walked to go see, and he is awesome. He is super ready to learn more and he is the sweetest thing. We had a pizza party and talked about the plan of salvation and he is real excited. The branch is pretty good. We have eating appointments a lot and a lot of support. Conference was so good though.  We don't see the first sesh [session] wegen [because of] time zones and we didn't have time to make it to the Priesthood session but I wanna see it way bad.  President called me yesterday and told me to listen to Elder Bednar's talk about getting reassigned but I haven't had th