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March 20, 2017 - Bad Bentheim Week 1

Hey everyone! 

This last week has been really great. We have been super busy and it is wonderful. We wanted to visit as many members as possible before we left, so Monday afternoon we had an appointment with the Benedikt Family. We had planned a Thema [discussion] and were all ready to go but when we got there, Schwester Benedikt was so excited because she wanted to practice her Visiting Teaching message on us, so she did the Thema. That was a bit different and a lot of fun. Right after that, we went to the Kosak's place for Family Home Evening and had a really great Thema there as well. 

Familie Benedikt
Schwester Dörlitz
Schwester Heiland and Pedro

Familie Kosak

Tuesday we continued packing between appointments because we were so busy all day. We visited Schwester Heiland because she had been out of town forever and she was finally home, and we also had another appointment with Klaus and got ice cream. Went well. Then dinner with the Krause's. 

Familie Krause

Wednesday we had Breakfast with the Kosak's! It was a really wonderful end to the transfer. Then we left and were on the train allllll day. 

So Friday during weekly planning, we called up a less active, Sanga. We were gonna make an appointment and he just wanted to meet then. So we went to the library, and he ended up bringing a friend, Friday. We ended up teaching him the first lesson, and he asked for a Book of Mormon and was real excited when we had one for him. He was super excited when we said he could learn more and we could meet with him, and he told us he is in Rheine five days a week. 

Saturday we had an appointment with Immanuel, an investigator. He is so wonderful, he told us he just wants to do all he can to follow God. Sanga was also dabei [along], and he just kept saying, how Immanuel is here because Sanga brought him, but Immanuel kept saying that he just wants to follow God and he will with or without Sanga. We invited them both to church, and they both came!
Immanuel really liked it, and he is so prepared. He just wants to do what he can to follow God. 

Immanuel & Sanga with Sister Hammer and Sister Skalka
Sunday night we went and visited Pieter, another investigator. It was our first actual lesson with him, and we taught the first lesson. I gave him a Book of Mormon and he was so excited to read. At first, he wasn't real sure if he believed in God, but by the end he had asked so many questions, and the spirit was so strong, he was so excited to read in the Book of Mormon and learn more. He texted us later that evening thanking us so much that we helped him find happiness. It is crazy how much Heavenly Father loves us and blesses us and His children. I am so excited to serve them here in Bad Bentheim.


Sister Hammer


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