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Showing posts from March, 2017

March 27, 2017 - Bad Bentheim

Pretty great week, we've had some pretty crazy adventures.  We have been busy visiting contacts and investigators. We've had some appointments fall out, but all is well.  The Elders came with us to our appointment with Sanga, where he made us Fufu. He made it with fish and chicken and it was quite the Erlebnis [experience]. We also had an appointment with our investigator Pieter, who is currently in the Krankenhaus [hospital] in Hörstel, but the problem was, we are out of Kilometers for the month, and the bus system here is crap. We didn't want to cancel, because we feel he is finally ready and we have that trust and friendship and we want to meet with him as often as possible. We wanted to bike, but we don't know which bikes in the Kellar [basement] are ours. So we walked. There and back was about 20 kilometers but it was so worth it. We had a great lesson about the plan of salvation and it is great how everything works out.  God loves us so much, guys. 

March 20, 2017 - Bad Bentheim Week 1

Hey everyone!  This last week has been really great. We have been super busy and it is wonderful. We wanted to visit as many members as possible before we left, so Monday afternoon we had an appointment with the Benedikt Family. We had planned a Thema [discussion] and were all ready to go but when we got there, Schwester Benedikt was so excited because she wanted to practice her Visiting Teaching message on us, so she did the Thema. That was a bit different and a lot of fun. Right after that, we went to the Kosak's place for Family Home Evening and had a really great Thema there as well.  Familie Benedikt Schwester Dörlitz Schwester Heiland and Pedro Familie Kosak Tuesday we continued packing between appointments because we were so busy all day. We visited Schwester Heiland because she had been out of town forever and she was finally home, and we also had another appointment with Klaus and got ice cream. Went well. Then dinner with the Krause's. 

March 13, 2017 - Gera, Germany - Transferred

Hey friends, Sisters Hammer and Al ton Well we have been super busy this week and I am loving it. We have had so many wonderful experiences and have seen so many blessings. There's not too much to do here, so on Monday we went to Leipzig for P-Day! We didn't do much, but more than normal here in Gera. Pretty much just wandered the streets. But it was cool because we went to the Thomas Kirche because that is where Bach is buried. Bach's Grave Cool stuff. Tuesday we visited Schwester Korb, Frau Dhillon, the Trenklers and Mattheaus and Silvia. All went well. I'm really excited about Mattheaus and Silvia. They are doing really well and are super prepared. We talked about pretty much everything again, because it's hard just to teach them the lessons. It's cool because they ask a lot of questions and are very curious. Mattheaus also loves the Book of Mormon. It was great. From our last appointment, he has read sixteen chapters. He is always rea

March 6, 2017 - Gera, Germany

Hey friends, This week was really great. I'm always learning so much and I'm really thankful that I have so many opportunities here and have learned a lot.  So Monday evening we had an appointment with the Krauses. We had dinner and a lovely evening. For our spiritual thought, we both thought about President's Thema [subject] from Zone Training back in December, when he talked about "fear not" and how it is the most repeated message in the Old Testament. How important it is to trust in Heavenly Father because He knows all and how to help us.   Sister Lichtenberg and Sister Hammer Sister Hammer and Sister Carta We were in Berlin for like three days this week as well. We stayed Wednesday night in Berlin because Thursday morning was Zoco [Zone Conference] and it was wonderful. I learned so much and it was exactly what I needed to hear. I know that Heavenly Father knows us exactly and that he knows how to help us whenever we need. All we need to do is a