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Showing posts from January, 2017

January 30, 2017 - Another transfer in Gera

Woohoohoo! Hey friends!  This week was alright. Pretty uneventful. We visited a lot of members and had some fallen out appointments, but so ist das Leben [such is life]. We have had some pretty good times though.  We began service at Kleider Kramer with Schwester Kosak, and it's really fun. We've met a ton of people and that's pretty cool. We also went visiting teaching with Schwester Kosak, and that was great. I've learned a lot about the Relief Society, and about visiting teaching from her, and it will be cool to use it when I get home.  We also had the missionary broadcast. Pretty cool stuff. They changed the schedule and stuff so that's cool. More sleep. Sick.  We also had a missionary meeting in Zwickau for the whole Leipzig stake. It was pretty good. We talked about  missionary ideas and member missionary work. Important stuff. I also gave a talk in church yesterday and we sang a song with the elders. We sang "I'll go where you want me to go

January 23, 2017 - Gera,- 6 Monate noch! [6 Months left!]

Hey friends! This week was pretty cool. We saw lots of little miracles and had some really great times. We had a street display in Gera! It was really wonderful! We found two new investigators and we are really excited that things are finally starting to get working. We also had Zone Training in Freiberg! It was really wonderful, and we learned a lot. Not too much has happened this week, but I have definitely seen the hand of the Lord in my life and in the work here. I also hit my year mark! That was weird. I feel old. It's weird. There's still so much to learn and I don't feel like I should be a year out already. But it has been absolutely wonderful. (It was also really great because cotton T Shirts burn really well) Well it has been great. My testimony has really grown and I know that our Father in Heaven is always there. He loves all of us and wants us to give him our struggles and he wants to help us. Thank you for all of your love and support!  Ich habe euch L

January 16, 2017 - Gera

Hello Friends!  This week was really great. And also really cold.  Monday for P-Day we wanted to visit a castle. But considering it was crazy snowy from Sunday and super cold, we decided not to. It was a really good idea. So we sat inside and didn't do anything.  Tuesday we met with a previous investigator, Aleena! She is from Ukraine and she is so sweet. She talked a lot about reincarnation and stuff like that. It's pretty interesting but doesn't make a lot of sense. We will have to work on that. We also brought by a Book of Mormon that evening. She didn't have one before apparently, so hopefully she will read and find some answers.  Wednesday was super. We had an appointment with an inactive sister, Schwester Riemann. She is so wonderful! We want to work on getting back to church, but right now she just needs some love and support. We will get there. We also had an appointment with a new investigator, Katrin! She is very excited about learning mor

January 2, 2017 -Happy New Year!- Gera, Germany

Hey friends:) This week was really good. We didn't have much going on, but it was good. Monday was cool. We went to Glauchau for lunch with Fam[ily] Martin. It was really wonderful. We shared with them the Mormon message from President Uchtdorf "Our True Identity". In this video, perhaps you remember it from General Conference, President Uchtdorf tells the story about the Ugly Duckling. He tells about how he is feeling so bad, and flies away with some swans. He looked in the water, and realized he was a beautiful swan. He realized who he is. President Uchtdorf talked about how we should realize who we really are, beautiful sons and daughters of God. I thought a lot about how I was in Young Women's and how we said the theme every week, we are daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and we love Him. So often did I say that but think nothing of it. But how cool is that really! We are sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us! We have the potent