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Showing posts from September, 2016

September 26, 2016 - Lübeck

Hallo! So this week has been pretty great! Not much has happened though.  We've gone by on a ton of people but not many were home. We went  finding and had a couple Books of Mormon to deliver but none of them  were home. So we were super upset about that as well. We also went to Elmshorn on Tausch (exchanges). It was pretty great. The elder's investigator Bodder got baptized which was wonderful! He was so very excited and he loved it so much. We had an appointment with Mig right after and she is doing wonderfully as well. We are working toward getting her and her husband Victor to the temple to be sealed! We had them both over to Familie Scheel's for dinner last Sunday and Bruder Scheel helped them both get their family search going and preparing names for the temple and it is so exciting! Transfer calls just happened! Sadly I will be leaving Lübeck and heading to Bremen. I'm super excited but also super upset to be leaving so early. I guess it will be good! We

September 19, 2016 - Lübeck

9/12/16 We found two new investigators and one agreed to get baptized!  On the first lesson!  Her name is Danielle and she was an online referral wanting a Book of Mormon so she eventually got one (not sure how?) But we eventually met with her at the church and she had read the Plan of Salvation packet and totally believes and agrees all of it and she had already read the first 16 Chapters of 1 Nephi!!  She is crazy prepared and so excited.  We also committed her to baptism!  We don't have a set date but we are going to talk about it this week but she is so down!  She's excited to come to church and get this so Yesterday was her last day of work for the season (FOR THE NEXT FOUR MONTHS) and she was like yeah man I got all the time in the world to meet.  So we are going to try to meet with her like at least 3 times a week and she easily could be ready for two weeks from now.  So prayers would be awesome!   Also we met this guy Sohrab on the bus and invited him to English Cla

September 5, 2016 - Lübeck- Mig's Baptism!

Hallo liebe Freunde!!! So last couple weeks were wonderful!!   Probably a few of the [best] weeks ever!   We visited lots of people, especially members which was great.  Lübeck A couple weeks ago, we got to go with the Friedrichs on a tour around Lübeck which was so neat.   We learned lots of neat things about Lübeck and saw so much.   It is seriously so beautiful, and I am so blessed to serve here!     We also met with one of our less actives, Schwester Jambang a bunch and she is absolutely amazing!   She is so funny and so loving and she always picks the topics for our lessons and it is always what I need.   I just love her so much!!  Mig's Baptism So on Tuesday we had the biggest surprise!   So we had an appointment for Mig planned, and an hour before that, President Fingerle called us.   He told us that he had been praying and looking at the picture of us and Mig that we sent him when she had her previous baptismal date which we pushed back, and h