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Showing posts from August, 2016

August 29, 2016 - Lübeck

Sister Hammer, Sister Redd, Sister & President Fingerle This week was pretty good!   We found a Turkish family for the elders which was exciting.  Because Elder May is learning Turkish right now and Elder Havens was serving in Turkey when stuff happened and they sent all of the missionaries there here so they are focusing on finding Turkish people so we sent the elders to their place.   We don't have many people to teach so we have been doing a ton of finding or at least trying to find.  We gave out a ton of Books of Mormon but all of the appointments fell out or the phone numbers we got were crap.  Thank you so much for that.  I love that so much.   I have loved beginning to teach people because you get to find out what they believe.  We met with this guy Krüger and his wife and she worked for the Lutheran church so we were getting to know both of them and it is so interesting to see what you have in common.  I love it.  And when you have stuff in common and t

August 22, 2016 - Lübeck

Hallo liebe Freunde und Familie! Ahh this week was so wonderful! It was super crazy busy but it was such a good week! On Monday we worked at the temple of course but we also went shopping for P-Day so that was super fun.  Sister Redd and Sister Hammer On Wednesday we picked up the trainees! My new comp is Sister Redd from Idaho and she is just darling! She's super hard working and so excited and it has been so much fun! So this week we have been focusing super hard on finding and on Saturday we went to Innenstadt [downtown ] and went finding focusing on the Book of Mormon and we found two people in like an hour that had interest, named Ashraf and James. We gave them both a Book of Mormon and made an appointment with Ashraf. It was super neat with James because we were on the bus and he heard us talking in English and he started talking with us and he said he was interested in looking at other churches and especially ours so luckily we had an E

August 14, 2016 - Freiberg - Überzieschuhe

Hallo! So this week was pretty great! I've been in Freiberg still and it has been wonderful! Tuesday was super cool. It was Harvest day which was so cool. We all fasted that we would find a new investigator so we did so. I didn't find anyone personally but we talked to lots of people and invited them to the temple. The only problem was pretty much the entire city of Freiberg already knows about it so that was rough. But it was pretty fun because it was different.  President and Sister Fingerle were in town and we were out and Sister Fingerle calls and wanted to go finding with us so that was different. I went first and it was actually pretty fun. We went up to the university and talked to students there. It was fun except our focus was inviting people to the temple and literally everyone in Freiberg already knows about it so that was rough. But we talked to a ton of people and it was super fun. So here at the temple we have been working with the video rooms and a

August 8, 2016 - Freiberg Temple!

Hallo liebe Freunde! So this week was super crazy! We had early transfers, but since I'm training, I didn't have a companion yet, so I got to go to Delingsdorf with Sisters Lichtenberg and Rose for a few days!  I'm working at the temple this week, and we had to be there early Saturday morning so I left to Freiberg on Friday. It was like a five hour train ride and I was by myself and had no idea what I was doing so that was fun. So we have been staying in Freiberg and will stay here until next week when we get our trainees!  I'm super excited actually for training because it will be a lot of fun and I kinda know better what I'm doing and I have lots of good plans for Lübeck. It's been super fun to get to know other sisters as I have stayed here and worked at the temple. On Saturday it was super special because we had a meeting with the members who would be doing the tours so we got to go through the temple to see it all and it was amazing! I'm s

August 2, 2016-Lübeck/Transfer day - Catching up on promised photos

Sisters at the chapel in Kiel Notice the old German Typeface Our Friend Mig Our District At the Marzipan Factory

August 1st, 2016 - Lübeck

My mission boundaries are in Blue.  I started in Leipzig, last month got transferred up north by Denmark to Lübeck.  The Freiberg temple is southeast of my first area. So I haven't written like at all this sorry about that...but this transfer has been pretty good!  We've gotten a ton done!  It's been crazy because we have been on exchange like every week, but it is also wonderful because I can get to know so many of the sisters here and I have so much love for all of them here!  We have had so much fun and so much accomplished as well!   We also have one of our investigators on baptismal date for the 27th!  We are all super excited and all of your prayers would be greatly appreciated!  We are super excited she is so ready!!   This week was super fun.  On monday we went to the Marzipan museum and it was awesome.  For dinner we went to a bbq at one of our YSA's house that he and his family were having.  They are from mexico and they made th