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July 4, 2016 - Leipzig - Transfers Announced!

Hallo! So this week was pretty great. We didn't have a ton going on, sadly though. But it was a good time nonetheless. 

Okay so on Tuesday for lunch after district meeting we went and got Dönners because it's
almost transfers. So I was determined to finish the XXL Dönner soon so that's what I got. So this thing is huge, probably like twice as big as my face (pictures below) and it's filled with all of this salad and red cabbage and Sauerkraut and lamb and weird sauces in this giant bread pocket. Good stuff. So it takes me like two hours to finish, and I'm on the verge of tears and I got super sick after okay but I'm dumb and competitive and determined so I sat there for two hours and finished it. It was literally the worst experience ever but I did it and it was worth it. But that was really pretty much the most exciting part of the week. Sadly.

But on Saturday we got our transfer calls! That was also super exciting! I will be going to way up north to the land of Lübeck!
Which I know nothing about except Sister Lichtenberg is STL and my comp and I'm super pumped. I'm crazy bummed to leave Leipzig but I can't wait for this transfer :) well I love you all so much!

Liebe grüße Sister Hammer

Rene at his baptism
Leipzig District

Love her!  - [Sister Gines]
Tausch [exchange] with Sister Baldwin


  1. Hallo Gabby, Du kennst mich nicht, doch ich diente wie Dein Vater in der Schweiz und wohne im Gebiet der Gemeinde Pinneberg - nonSisterTown :-) In Lübeck leben die Schwiegereltern unserer Tochter, Geschwister Scheel... Alles Gute für Lübeck - Folko Stank :-)

  2. PS. Jörg Schubert diente auch in der Schweiz ;-)

  3. PS. Jörg Schubert diente auch in der Schweiz ;-)

  4. Hallo Gabby, Du kennst mich nicht, doch ich diente wie Dein Vater in der Schweiz und wohne im Gebiet der Gemeinde Pinneberg - nonSisterTown :-) In Lübeck leben die Schwiegereltern unserer Tochter, Geschwister Scheel... Alles Gute für Lübeck - Folko Stank :-)


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