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Showing posts from July, 2016

July 18, 2016 - Lübeck

Lübeck Hallo!!   Es geht sehr gut heir in Lübeck!  Heute haben wir putzen und einkaufen gemacht.  Nicht viel.  Heute wird ein bisschen kurtz sein weil wir gehen nach Berlin heute Abend.  Ich bin begeistert weil es ein Austausch mit dem STLTs ist.   Wir versuchen nur Deutsch zu sprechen, aber normaleweise sprechen wir Deutsch 9-9.  Weil die Sisters haben die Gelegenheit im Tempel zu arbeiten, Präsident hat uns eingeladen nur Deutsch 24/7 zu sprechen.  Es ist schwer aber wir können es machen!  Wir haben nur eins Gemeinde hier in Lübeck aber es ist ein wunderbares Gemeinde!  Gestern habe ich in Abendmalsversammlung auch gesprochen.  Es war über Matt. 18.  Ich hatte bescheid nur an Freitag war spass...und auch habe ich das Orgel in Abendmalsversammlung gespielt.  Ich habe keine anung wie es zu spielen...ich habe die erste Lied gespielt und es war so laut. Ich habe viele Fähler gemacht aber es war okay.  Ich spiele auch Klavier auch in FHV.  Es gibt nur

July 11, 2016 - Lübeck

Hallo!   So this week was pretty crazy!   On Monday we had a grill for P-day and visited Schwester Karl which was super fun.  And also an emergency trip to Halle for the night.  Sis Hammer & Sis Karl Emergency Midnight Trip to Halle Time in Halle Tuesday we just packed pretty much all day and got everything ready.  Also Sister Simpson and Sister Fulton spent the night with us which was great!  Wednesday was transfers and now I am in Lübeck!  It is wonderful here!  My new comp is Sister Lichtenberg and she is lovely!  We haven't done a ton this week, as we were getting everything ready for the transfer and planning a lot but we were still pretty busy.   Outside of our my new apartment Sis Hammer & New Companion Sister Lichtenberg Lübeck at night On Thursday we had district meeting which was pretty good and after we made German pancakes and took pictures.  Thursday evening we went by on a few people but they weren't home.

July 4, 2016 - Leipzig - Transfers Announced!

Hallo! So this week was pretty great. We didn't have a ton going on, sadly though. But it was a good time nonetheless.  Okay so on Tuesday for lunch after district meeting we went and got Dönners because it's almost transfers. So I was determined to finish the XXL Dönner soon so that's what I got. So this thing is huge, probably like twice as big as my face (pictures below) and it's filled with all of this salad and red cabbage and Sauerkraut and lamb and weird sauces in this giant bread pocket. Good stuff. So it takes me like two hours to finish, and I'm on the verge of tears and I got super sick after okay but I'm dumb and competitive and determined so I sat there for two hours and finished it. It was literally the worst experience ever but I did it and it was worth it. But that was really pretty much the most exciting part of the week. Sadly. But on Saturday we got our transfer calls! That was also super exciting! I will be going to way up north t