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Showing posts from May, 2017

May 29, 2017 - Köthen - 👻👻👻

So this week was pretty busy, mostly with the normal stuff, also consisting of Zone Pday in Leipzig, getting insanely sunburnt, the normal appointments each week, biking 17 Kilometers on Christi Himmelfahrt  [Ascension day], because of an appointment and the train not opening when we needed it to and getting taken to the next dorf, and MLC (Mission Leader Conference) in Berlin.  We had a great time this week, and I don't have much time to write, but I do have pictures.  FYI We also received our transfer calls, and I will be going to Hannover with Sister Koch! I'm pretty excited! I'm honestly heartbroken to leave Köthen and getting transferred so often is actually really hard, but I'm excited anyway! Well I have you all love! Bis nächste Woche [until next week]! Sister Hammer  Schwester Jarmuszkiewicz 💕 Berlin All the missionaries from our group at MLC :) I absolutely love this district oh so much Diebzig Zone P-day

May 15, 2017 - Köthen

Hey Fam, This week has been so good and Heavenly Father has blessed us so much. Sister Hammer & Sister Mogensen Wulfen, Germany A couple of things that have happened, So Tuesday, we had our regular appointment at Schwester Sickel's which was good. Afterward we went dooring in Wulfen . We klingled [rang the bell] into a lady, Frau Ebler. We just said our little spiel, introduced the Book of Mormon real quick, and she immediately told us to come in. So we come in and she's like, "What do I have to pay you for this??" And we are like, "uhhh you could listen to our message real quick" so she invited us in and we gave the first lesson. We asked her what she believed and things, and she just bore testimony, really. She just had such a simple testimony of the basics and of Jesus Christ and His Atonement. It was really neat. So we are teaching the first lesson and she just starts crying really hard because she was so happy. It was crazy. S

May 8, 2017 - Köthen 📷📷📷

 I don't have time for an email today, but I do have pictures! Tausch [split] with Sis Volluz Schwester Oelegardt Keine Ahnung [No Idea] Köthen Bahnhof [Train Station]

May 1, 2017 - Köthen - 🌻🌻🌻

Hallo Freunde! We have been so busy lately and I love it so much.  I haven't written for a couple of weeks, and for those of you who may not know, I have been transferred to Köthen!  I just love it so much here!  I was actually pretty upset about leaving Bad Bentheim, staying in an area for only one Transfer is pretty rough to be honest.  It's like, you have enough time to get to know everyone and figure your life out and then you're out of there again.  But it is good.  If it is what the Lord wants, then so is it.   After Sister Gudnason left, I went back to Osnabrück and worked with the sisters there until the end of the Transfer.  Which was like a week.  So not even that Long.  But it was good. Transfer day was fun.  I mean I just got to kick it in Leipzig Bahnhof [train station] all day, because we had to help the missionaries passing through.  But I love Leipzig.  And missionaries.  So it was a pretty solid day.   We have been super busy the last couple we