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Showing posts from April, 2016

April 25, 2016 - Leipzig

Hallo!   This week was pretty great.  On Monday we visited some shops around town which was pretty fun.  We found the American section of the store and not gonna lie, it was kind of really exciting to have baked beans.  Pretty much just because it was something other than casserole packets.  We also went to the DDR shop which was super neat.  They just had a bunch of really old things from DDR times which was pretty cool.  Monday night was also Family Home Evening but it wasn't at the RIZ [institute] and we couldn't find the place so we just went finding downtown instead which I'm really pretty bad at. Tuesday we didn't do much but we went to institute for the first time which was cool.  I had to play the piano so I just sat on the front row but that was actually a terrible idea because I had no idea what the teacher was saying and all I could do was follow along in the scriptures.  But he kept calling on me to answer questions and stuff and it wasn't v

April 18, 2016 - Leipzig

Hey everyone, this week was pretty great. Last week on Monday we had a district bbq because of transfers which was pretty interesting. It was a lot of fun except Elder Wilkinson burned literally everything which was actually hilarious. But it was a lot of fun.  Sister Daines slept over while we were waiting for her new comp which is always super great. The next day was transfers! We had to stay at Bahnhof [train station] all day to help missionaries passing through and that was actually a lot of fun!  We also have a new investigator named Elina. We met her at ward family home evening and she has been coming to fhe and institute for like five years but she isn't a member. I guess she just likes hanging out with the Mormons but nobody has ever met with her for a while. So she was like hey I wanna meet with you guys so we are meeting with her! She is absolutely wonderful and she understands so well!  Okay so we also had this crazy spring concert with the ward. I had t

April 11, 2016 - Leipzig - Still! Yea!

Hallo! This week was pretty good.  Nothing crazy happened.  We went to Halle again on exchanges which is always fun.  It was also transfers yesterday.  Sister Wilson and I are staying here in Leipzig!  Which I'm so happy about because I would probably freak out to be honest.  Sister Menlove also got transferred from Halle so Sister Daines is staying with us for a few days.  But yep, it's been pretty good this week! Tschüß Sister Hammer Sister Hammer and Sister Daines Sister Hammer and Sister Wilson, still companions in Leipzig! Leipzig Zone Conference

April 4, 2016 - Leipzig

Hey everyone, This week was pretty neat.  We had lots of lessons and things which is great.  We also had an exchange in Halle and then the Halle missionaries came to Leipzig for General Conference.  Conference was wonderful as well.  We invited our investigator Rene and he came and loved it!  After priesthood session we were talking to him about it and baptism and invited him to be baptized and he is so excited to be baptized on May 7th!  We also went to Berlin for a conference which was pretty great too.  Well hope you all have a great week. Liebe Grüße, Sister Hammer. After Priestertums Versammlung (Priesthood meeting) when we took pictures for to send to President for Rene's Taufe Termin. I dunno Man, this one was Rene's idea... Neubeker Rene and Untersucher Rene before General Conference Last P day we just hung out at the Easter Market and bought cheese, haha having good cheese other than Butterkäse was way exciting. We got like 200g of