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Showing posts from January, 2016

January 30, 2016 - MTC

Hallo! This week has been great!  It's been crazy hard but I've learned a lot and have had a lot of fun! Samstag we went to the temple.  It's the best part of the day, and no joke, it's seriously what gets me through the week.  And we go as a zone so it's really neat to go with all your friends.  We had class as well.  Samstag is P-tag, so there's really not much to talk about haha but it's always good:) Sonntag is also mein lieblingstag.  Sonntag morgen we were supposed to go on a walk to the temple, but the weather was bad so that was cancelled.  It was actually really sad.  I was looking forward to it a lot.  Then we had Sacrament meeting.  I love it so much.  Every week we are to prepare a talk in German, and we don't know if we are going to have to give it until we get to the meeting.  Luckily I didn't have to then because I'm sure my German was nicht so gut.  I'm in charge of the music for the zone meetin

First Email from the MTC

This week has been SO good.  It has been crazy and way busy.  But I am learning a ton.  When we first got here, we met our district and began German class.  When we got to class, it was all in German.  I honestly had know idea what Brother Nielsen was saying but I understood a bunch of it????   It was the coolest.  And also I'm a pro at praying auf Deutsch.  It's pretty much all I'm good at right now haha but it's okay.  We had a fireside and met our zone and it was all way neat.  In our zone it is all the Germans and the Armenians.  It is kind of a random mix but the Armenians are so fun.  It has been way neat.  We have class, then breakfast, then class, then lunch, then class, then dinner, then class.  Even though the classes and especially the German is hard, I think sitting all day is the hardest.  I get wiggles really bad but we take lots of breaks.  My district is seriously the best.  In my district it is me, my companion Sister Simpson, Sister Darton, Sis

Here we go!

We just dropped Gabby off at the MTC, while we wait for that first Email from her, I told her I would post some of the pictures from her farewell and MTC arrival. Lunch at 5 Guys before the MTC Cold and windy photo shoot at the Provo temple Group Selfie! Saying goodbye to mom Saying goodbye to Nick My Family after my farewell My Family